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Development - How to contribute

1. Introduction

Since CRUX-ARM is formed by a small team we are always open to new contributions, suggestions and/or ideas. But there are some steps you need to go through before we can accept your contributions:

There are many areas you can contribute. You can offer support to others via IRC or Mailing Lists, help with flyspray for managing tickets and bugs, or even contribute to the development releases.

If you just want to contribute with some donors to us, please visit this page.

2. How can I help?

Thanks for asking. Let's find a place for you!

First you should join our community. :

3. Contribute a new supported device

To add a new supported device first take a look to our list (here) and be sure is not supported yet.
You should contact with us and provide detailed information about the new device and the plans you have. Then we'll see if we can support that device, and if so automatically we'll add the device to our WIP list (Work In Progress devices). Now you can start working.

To support a device you will need:

Once you complete the requeriments listed below, you can try CRUX-ARM.

Download a release from our page (here) that fit your needs (probably generic, the one without a device sufix which means there isn't any kind of optimization) and place all the stuff in your boot media as required.

Once booted the generic release, you need to get genericrootfs-extras (you can get all the needed files from to get a set of ports (core ports from CRUX current version tag and core-arm ports updated to newer versions) to maintain all optimized releases homogeneous with the generic release, and then, rebuild all ports got from order-VERSION-stage1 which will make a first pass to all core ports and next one order-VERSION-stage2 which will build again the entire core ports without toolchain related ports.