TODO list for CRUX-ARM 3.8
- Update versions DONE
- glibc 2.40
- gcc 14.2.0
- binutils 2.43.1
- Development:
- Integrate native and dockerized builds DONE
- Dockerized under macOS
- Dockerized under linux
- Review targets and objectives
- Confirm the workflow is right and there is no loop or broken targets
- Review clean targets
- Define distclean targets to get a clean repository
- Ports:
- Review ports and update if needed DONE
- Wait for upstream release date to get a final TAG for upstream core ports
- Define a hash for core-arm64 overlay
- Build generic release
- aarch64
- armhf (ARM hardfloat version)
- Build optimized releases:
- aarch64
- Pine64
- Raspberrypi3
- Raspberrypi4
- Raspberrypi5
- armhf
- Cubieboard2
- Odroid-XU4
- Samsung Chromebook