Supported Devices
Odroid XU4
New generation of computing device based on a Samsung Exynos5422
| CPU Information model name : ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l) BogoMIPS : 60.00 Features : swp half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt CPU implementer : 0x41 CPU architecture: 7 CPU variant : 0x0 CPU part : 0xc07 CPU revision : 3 : boot.log |
Booting CRUX-ARM from uSD
To install the current release we need to setup an uSD card with 2 partitions after cluster 4096. You can use fdisk to create a vfat partition and a ext4 partition. The first partition must be vfat formated, required for bootloader's stuff and the second one must be ext2, ext3 or ext4 formated and will contain the files from the release and current kernel modules.
- First to activate the bootloader we need to write directly to the card some files. We can get them from hardkernel github and use a script provided to do this task
- sd_fuse
- We'll use sd_fuse/hardkernel_1mb_uboot and running this command the sdcard will be ready:
./ /dev/sdX
- Then on the first partition we must put these files:
- For the second partition, download and extract contents from these files:
Booting CRUX-ARM from EMMC
We have some options to prepare the EMMC.
- We have the original EMMC card with its files:
- In this case, we need to change first partition files by ours zImage, boot.ini and exynos5422-odroidxu4.dtb (we can make a backup if needed of the original files inside the first 120MB partition)
- For the second partition, we can fsck.ext4 the partition and deploy our optimized rootfs into it.
- The second case is if we have modified the original EMMC and we need to prepare it for booting from it:
- We need the same files but a slighty modified script. Get it and use it to prepare the emmc device:
./ /dev/mmcblkX
- Next download and extract contents from the rootfs and modules files
- Remember to change the boot jumper to EMMC position
We should setup all the important files: pkgmk.conf, prt-get.conf, inittab, fstab, rc.conf, net ...